Friday, April 19, 2019

Diverse Intelligence

 It just hit me quite recently that I have been in the schooling system since I was 4 years old, I am 20 years old now. I realized that I have been in school for literally the majority of my life. 

As obvious as it should have been, I was so out of tuned that I didn't realize it. It was so routine that I didn't even think about it. I basically took for granted one of the biggest things in my life- education :')

I hate it when I always take things for granted, like u ever realize how much ur parents sacrificed to give u a good childhood & how much money they spent making sure u were happy even tho they could've spent it on bills etc? It makes my chest tighten like I can't wait give them the world the same way they did to me :'(

Ok a lil throwback won't hurt right? >,<  This is my last year at school like I really2 miss every moment okay!!

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Teach Myself

Am i the gembeng and cengeng one yang keep myself sad without any reason? okay lah, since i start nak tulis ni lagi i asyik dengar lagu2 ...