Friday, April 19, 2019

Teach Myself

Am i the gembeng and cengeng one yang keep myself sad without any reason? okay lah, since i start nak tulis ni lagi i asyik dengar lagu2 sedih, macam nak feeling2 gituuuuu :P So this one is my favorite, Armada- (Asal kau bahagia) Its not ASAL KAU BAHAGIA??!! (dengan intonasi marah) but literally dengan nada i is redha like Asalkan kau bahagia- haaa like that

For me, orang lain punya kebahagiaan is my happiness too. I always teach myself not to think of my happiness only, but others too. Like, i let go something that i really love not because of i tak sayang benda tu, tapi their happiness is my happiness too.

So this song by Armada is soo into me.

The Battle For Sincerity

Fear of Sincerity

My heart can't slay still but I try my best to always be aware of when my heart is going somewhere it is not supposed to go.

  I always fear that i am not sincere, but i am hopeful :< I don't fear it too much up to a point where i don't do anything at all. Some ppl might say, "what's the point of doing it if you're not sincere?"

  I believe that sincerity is something that you pursue and not something that you wait for. If you wait for it, it will not come. Sincerity is a target. you have to go for it :') Sincerity requires a lot of effort and constant reminders. I constantly have to remind myself and i surround myself with ppl of reminders. 

 I believe that to remain sincere is my biggest struggle, until the day i die. 

 My heart always turns. With His help, i hope it turns towards the right direction.

Diverse Intelligence

 It just hit me quite recently that I have been in the schooling system since I was 4 years old, I am 20 years old now. I realized that I have been in school for literally the majority of my life. 

As obvious as it should have been, I was so out of tuned that I didn't realize it. It was so routine that I didn't even think about it. I basically took for granted one of the biggest things in my life- education :')

I hate it when I always take things for granted, like u ever realize how much ur parents sacrificed to give u a good childhood & how much money they spent making sure u were happy even tho they could've spent it on bills etc? It makes my chest tighten like I can't wait give them the world the same way they did to me :'(

Ok a lil throwback won't hurt right? >,<  This is my last year at school like I really2 miss every moment okay!!



Alhamdulilah I managed to make my own blog and yess writing is really my passion since i was a kid. May Allah ease everything for me to share only the good things here. 

Image result for passion

Teach Myself

Am i the gembeng and cengeng one yang keep myself sad without any reason? okay lah, since i start nak tulis ni lagi i asyik dengar lagu2 ...